Thursday, February 7, 2008

True confessions of a Dufus....

Yes, that would be me. I was feeling pleased myself, not only had i completed January on time but yesterday I completed February's Red piece. Or so I thought. As I looked at two pieces, it occurred to me that I should have been able to fit them in the scanner bed, if they were 8" x 8", but instead I took photos each time because they were a bit too big. Ding. No, the fact didn't register until last night and I literally ran to find a ruler and remeasured the matching pieces. Surprise, surprise....they aren't 8" x 8" at all, but 9" x 9"!! Auuuuukkkk!!! I did measure, each time I measured, but apparently each time my eyes deceived me and I saw what I wanted to see (or else my ruler is wrong, and I don't think that's the case). I was feeling so bummed last night, trying to figure out if I could somehow save them. If I knew how to saw carefully, and had the right kind of saw (which we don't) I could possibly cut 1/2" off each side and refinish the edges. The only other option is to start over, which is probably the best solution. Jeeze....I'm going to go to Dick Blick online now, and order some 8" x 8" canvases and boards, no more winging it for this project. If you want to see what I did for Red, it's on my blog - I won't post it here since I'm going to be redoing it and it won't be anything like again, i'm sure....


Judy Wise said...

Oh, sweet Jehosephat! Once I went to a frame store where they had a ruler with the first inch cut off. Can you believe it? So my entire purchase was ruined. Life is so challenging!!!!!!

lklight said...

I cringed when I read this, sounds like something that I would do!
I wonder if there is anyone up there w/ a saw...even a scroll saw would probably work.
I wish I could help!

HappyDayArt! said...

I love the part about you measuring again and again. Makes me think of those mice in a maze. Of course, it can't be true, I'll have to measure again, like it had magically resized itself and was just playing a trick on you for fun. In any case, the suspense is building.

I neeeed to go get some more size 8's too.


Laurie Mika said...

Dear Katie,
How about you cut the canvas off with your design and then remount it on the 8x8's? You know how art is taken off the stretcher bars for shipping etc.....maybe undo it and then wrap the edges around your new canvas? Just a thought, because I can certainly relate to the Dufus Factor!
Also that Cheap Joe's art supplies was the best deal to get the 8x8 canvases. Good luck....don't despair, it could turn out to be a happy accident! xoxox, Laurie