Lay Me Down
When Animals Dream
Ancestors (eek)
Sorry I haven't been more active on this blog lately. Between travels, I've had a hell of a time w/ my computer overheating, so I've only been using it when absolutely necessary.
I just love all of the new work on here, you've all done amazing work!
I spent a week up in the mountains above Santa Fe recently & cranked these last 4 canvases up there. I really love working with a theme, it throws in a nice little challenge that, once I work through it, it's really wonderful to get to the other side & to see what comes from it.
Leighanna, incredible news. But your art. Oh, how wonderful it all is. Much love to you. I had company over the weekend and she spoke so many times of how she loves your work (along with the rest of us). Art will keep us sane.
I'm glad you overcame your serious doubts about showing your ancestors piece. And I understand completely when you say, simply, "I had (have) no idea what to do with the information..." Baby steps you have now taken... working through it you have now begun. Bravo!
I love all of the work shown on this blog. The concept of what you are doing here, the structure of it too, is fabulous. Makes my day to have discovered this blog by googling Albie Smith!
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